Regularly Scheduled Activities

Come join us for arts, crafts and games. Mahjong meets weekly on Thursdays, and porcelain painting meets weekly on Tuesdays.  We are in the process of starting a bridge group. If you have any interest in arts, crafts or games we can help you start a group!

Cocktail evenings are a great opportunity to have a drink, meet other members, and make new friends in a relaxed setting. We schedule a cocktail evening about once per month and try to find new and interesting venues each time!

The community service group volunteers every Monday at a local food kitchen. 

Morning Chatty Coffee is a great, low-stress way to catch up with friends and meet and chat with other members. It is also a great place for new members to learn about Le WIC and make some connections!  We meet three or four times per month alternating between locations.  Some of our regular locations are the cafe in the Jardin at Petit Palais, Rose Bakery in the BnF French National Library, and Exki near the Arc de Triomphe.  We’ve also met in the Maison de Balzac Cafe, the Bourdelle museum, and the cafe at the Finnish Institute.  

In addition to the cafe mornings we also have a lunch before the Monthly Meeting which is yet another great opportunity to meet and mingle!

Petit Palais

In addition to the cultural visits organized by the special visits group (once per month to museums for example) we have other regular activities such as “Arty” which hosts a monthly art visit to a gallery and a book group.  In the past we have also had a cinema group and are in the process of restarting it!



Every month we visit a different park in or near Paris and have lunch afterwards!  

We currently have English, French Beginners/Lower Intermediate, and French Intermediate.

Each group is led by a native-speaking member and organized according to their preferences.  Some groups focus on discussion of current events, some are more grammar oriented and some also take field trips. Our language groups meet either monthly or bi-weekly depending on the preference of the WIC member who has organized the group.   

If you would like to share your knowledge of your native language, we have members who are interested

We benefit from a wealth of knowledge about the Parisian dining scene, courtesy of the diverse nationalities within our group. We are fortunate to be able to take advantage of this through lunches and dinners at local restaurants arranged by our members and offering their native cuisine.

Recent outings have included:

Dinner at L’ouzeri (Greek);  Dinner at Salsamenteria di Parma (Italian); Lunch at Unico Paul Bert (Argentinian);  Dinner at Bobi (Phillipine); Lunch at Livio (Italian); Lunch at Anna T (Vietnamese);  Lunch at Steam Bar (Chinese), Lunch at Kamamoto (Japanese), Dinner at la Ville de Petrograd (Russian),  Lunch at Com (Vietnamese),  Lunch at Les Caves de Gilles (Spanish), Lunch at Kawamoto (Japanese),  Lunch at Le Crabe Marteau (Breton), Dinner at Bobi (Filipino), Dinner at Oranta (Ukranian),  Dinner at La Ville de Petrograd (Russian) and Dinner at Chevicheria Bachaumont (Peruvian).

For many years, we have had tea times arranged by one of our members.  There were five tea times organized last year including one each at the Peninsula Hotel and the Hotel Crillon. At the moment this activity is on hold.